About us

As the originator of Art-Net and drawing on almost 40 years of lighting control experience, Artistic Licence are the market leading manufacturer of lighting control, data distribution and Integration products. 

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Robe Lighting, the world’s leading entertainment lighting manufacturer, acquired Artistic Licence in 2022, the leader in the design and manufacture of lighting control products and the originator of Art-Net.

“This is a great acquisition for Robe”, stated Josef Valchar, CEO Robe Lighting s.r.o., “It provides products that complement our own production, and will add value to sales made throughout our global distribution network”.

Plasa the leading association for the live entertainment technology industry. A community that works behind the scenes to deliver awe-inspiring live events and installations around the world.

Technical Standards Program is the only ANSI-accredited standards program dedicated to the needs of the entertainment technology industry. These standards are used every day by every manufacturer.

Digital Illumination Interface Alliance is an international federation of leading industry consortia dedicated to the advancement of standardised technologies.

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